Store Compliance Visitor: Get Paid to Visit Pubs and Venues (18-25 Year Olds)

Imagine getting paid to visit pubs, clubs, and venues while contributing to public safety and compliance. Sounds like a dream job, right? For young Australians aged 18-25, working as a Store Compliance Visitor offers a unique opportunity to earn money, gain valuable experience, and enjoy a flexible work schedule.   What is a Store Compliance […]

Exam Invigilator: Get paid to supervise exams and tests (online and face-to-face)

Exam supervisors, also known as exam invigilators or proctors, play a crucial role in maintaining the integrity and fairness of the examination process. They ensure that students adhere to exam rules and procedures, monitor for any signs of cheating, and handle any issues that arise during the exam. In Australia, exam supervisors can work in

Faecal Transplantation: Earn Money From Donating To the Stool Bank

Ever considered donating your poo for cash? It might seem like a strange concept at first, but it is actually a legitimate way to earn money while helping others. It involves either collecting your ‘donation’ at home, and then dropping it off at at collection centre, or visiting a collection centre to donate. Stool donations

Get Paid as a Casual Census Worker (next available in 2026)

    Similar to election day work, Census work is an occasional side hustle opportunity that comes up every five years.  The Census aims to provide a “snapshot” of Australia by capturing data from all Australians who are residing in Australia on Census night. The data is then used in a variety of ways. This includes

Simulated Patient Role-Play Jobs: Earn Over $43/hour

  Do you live near a university and are comfortable having your blood pressure taken or having a basic medical exam? If so, working as a simulated patient (also known as a “Standardised Patient”) could be an interesting and rewarding way to earn some extra cash. Simulated Patients are everyday people who perform the role

Election Jobs: Make Money as an Election Day Worker

    For many Australians, election day means the tradition of working out how to fit your democratic duty into an already-busy Saturday. This usually involves finding out which polling place is the closest (and quietest), running the gauntlet of political party reps to join the queue to vote, waiting, more waiting, then being funneled

School Crossing Guards: Earn up to $40+ per hour

  Do you live near a school and have a WFH job with flexible hours? Or maybe you’re retired and looking for extra money. If so, working as a school crossing guard could be the perfect side job. Local councils are often on the look out for school crossing guards to work near schools all

Use Your House to Make Money: Earn $1,000+ Per Day with Location Filming

Ever thought your house would be the perfect setting for a commercial or short film? Right around Australia there are booking companies on the lookout for homes for filming movies, short films and commercials. The best thing is that your house doesn’t have to be one of the picture-perfect. In fact, there’s a huge range

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